Changelog ========= v0.5.0 ------ *(not-yet-released)* Bug Fixes ********* - Fixed bug in :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.arrange` where the sorting would not work in some cases when the dataframe index was out of order. API Changes *********** - :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.arrange`, :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.query`, :class:`~plydata.helpers.query_all`, :class:`~plydata.helpers.query_at`, :class:`~plydata.helpers.query_if`, :class:`~plydata.helpers.arrange_all`, :class:`~plydata.helpers.arrange_at` and :class:`~plydata.helpers.arrange_if` now return dataframe with the indices reset. v0.4.3 ------ *(2020-12-08)* Bug Fixes ********* - This release makes Plydata depend on pandas >= 1.1.5. v0.4.2 ------ *(2020-09-12)* - This is release makes Plydata depend on pandas < 1.1.0. See `Issue 23 `_ for details. v0.4.1 ------ *(2020-06-10)* Bug Fixes ********* - Fixed bug in :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define` where you could not create a new column from array-like or series-like iterables. (:issue:`21`) - Fixed bug in :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.arrange` where dataframes with irregular indicies would give wrong output. (:issue:`22`) v0.4.0 ------ *(2020-03-15)* Bug Fixes ********* - :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.query` now works within groups. New Features ************ - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.gather` to transform dataframe from wide-form to long-form. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.spread` to transform dataframe from long-form to wide-form - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.separate` to split a string variable/ column into different variables/columns. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.extract` which uses a regular expression with groups to extract one or more variables different columns. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.pivot_wider` to transform dataframe from long-form to wide-form. This is a more general version of :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.spread`. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.pivot_longer` to transform dataframe from wide-form to long-form. This is a more general version of :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.gather`. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.separate_rows` to split multiple delimited values and place each one in its own row. - Added :class:`~plydata.tidy_verbs.unite` to join multiple columns into one. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_inorder` which creates a categorical with categories *in order* of how they appear in the sequence. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_infreq` which creates a categorical with categories in order of the number of times they appear in the sequence. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_inseq` which creates a categorical with categories in ascending numerical order. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_reorder` which creates a categorical with categories ordered according to another variable. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_reorder2` which creates a categorical with categories ordered according a relationship between two other variables. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_rev` which creates a categorical with reversed categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_shuffle` which creates a categorical with the categories in a random order. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_shift` which creates a categorical with the categories shifted to the left or to the right. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_move` (:class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_relevel`) which creates a categorical with the categories moved to a given position. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_anon` which creates a categorical with the categories renamed and reordered with arbitrary numeric identifiers. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_collapse` which creates a categorical with new umbrella categories that combine one or more of the original categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_other` which creates a categorical with a new umbrella category that combines one or more of the original categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump` which lumps together most/least common categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_min` which lumps together common enough categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_rename` with which you can manually change category names (and values). - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_relabel` to change category names using a function. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_expand` to add or remove categories to a categorical. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_explicit_na` to create a category for missing values. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_remove_unsed` to remove/drop unused categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_unify` to unify (union of all) the categories in a list of categoricals. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_concat` to concantenate categoricals and combine the categories. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_zip` to combine two or more categoricals. - Added :class:`~plydata.utils.ply` function. Makes it possible to use plydata with implied piping without abusing the ``>>`` operator. It is also more efficient as it minimises the copying of data. - Added :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_n`, :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_prop`, and :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump_lowfreq` as the distinct cases of :class:`~plydata.cat_tools.cat_lump`. Enhancements ************ - You cannot modify variables that have been grouped on, an exception is raised. .. code-block:: python df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [1, 1, 2], 'y': [1, 2, 3]])}) df >> define(x='2*x') # Correct df >> group_by('x') >> define(x='2*x') # Error - Fixed :class:`` can now exclude columns that are prepend with a ``-`` v0.3.3 ------ *(2018-08-02)* - Fixed :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.group_indices` for the case with no groups. v0.3.2 ------ *(2017-11-27)* New Features ************ - You can now use slices to :class:`` columns (:issue:`9`). v0.3.1 ------ *(2017-11-21)* - Fixed exception with evaluation of grouped categorical columns when there are missing categories in the data. - Fixed issue with ignored groups when :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.count` and :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.add_count` are used with a grouped dataframe. The groups list in the verb call were ignored. - Fixed issue where a dataframe with a column named `n`, the column could not be referenced (:issue:`6`). v0.3.0 ------ *(2017-11-03)* - Fixed :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define` (mutate) and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.create` (transmute), make them work with ``group_by``. - Fixed :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.tally` to work with external arrays. - Fixed :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.tally` to sort in descending order. - Fixed the ``nth`` function of :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.summarize` to return *NaN* when the requested value is out of bounds. - The ``contains`` and ``matches`` parameters of :class:`` can now accept a :class:`tuple` of values. - Fixed verbs that create columns (i.e :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.create`, :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define` and :class:``) so that they can create categorical columns. - The ``join`` verbs gained *left_on* and *right_on* parameters. - Fixed verb reuse. You can create a verb and assign it to a variable and pipe to the same variable in different operations. - Fixed issue where :class:`` does maintain the order in which the columns are listed. New Features ************ - Added special verb :class:``, it allows one to use external functions that accept a dataframe as the first argument. - For :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define`, :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.create` and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.group_by`, you can now use the special function ``n()`` to count the number of elements in current group. - Added the single table helper verbs: * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.add_count` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.add_tally` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.arrange_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.arrange_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.arrange_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.create_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.create_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.create_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.group_by_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.group_by_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.group_by_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.mutate_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.mutate_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.mutate_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.query_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.query_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.query_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.rename_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.rename_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.rename_if` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.summarize_all` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.summarize_at` * :class:`~plydata.helper_verbs.summarize_if` - Added :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.pull` verb. - Added :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.slice_rows` verb. API Changes *********** - Using internal function for :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.summarize` that counts the number of elements in the current group changed from ``{n}`` to ``n()``. - You can now use piping with the two table verbs (the joins). - ``modify_where`` and ``define_where`` helper verbs have been removed. Using the new expression helper functions :class:`~plydata.expressions.case_when` and :class:`~plydata.expressions.if_else` is more readable. - Removed ``dropna`` and ``fillna`` in favour of using :class:`` with :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.dropna` and :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.fillna`. v0.2.1 ------ *(2017-09-20)* - Fixed issue with :class:`` and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.summarize` where the categorical group columns are not categorical in the result. - Fixed issue with internal modules being imported with :py:`from plydata import *`. - Added :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.dropna` and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.fillna` verbs. They both wrap around pandas methods of the same name. Now you man maintain the pipelining when dealing with most ``NaN`` values. v0.2.0 ------ *(2017-05-06)* - :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.distinct` now uses `pandas.unique` instead of :func:`numpy.unique`. - Added function :func:`~plydata.utils.Q` for quote non-pythonic column names in a dataframe. - Fixed :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.query` and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.modify_where` query expressions to handle environment variables. - Added :class:`~plydata.options.options` context manager. - Fixed bug where some verbs were not reusable. e.g. .. code-block:: python data = pd.DataFrame({'x': range(5)}) v = define(y='x*2') df >> v # first use df >> v # Reuse of v - Added :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define_where` verb, a combination of :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.define` and :class:`~plydata.one_table_verbs.modify_where`. v0.1.1 ------ *(2017-04-11)* Re-release of *v0.1.0* v0.1.0 ------ *(2017-04-11)* First public release